The weather has been on the improve this weekend, making it extra-specially difficult, on a sunny Sunday evening, to contemplate with anticipation the air-conditioned week ahead. I have covered all the green strawberries with anti-bird-netting, and planted more lettuces and tomatoes. George has just mowed the lawns, and the grassy aroma which is making him sniffle is giving me great joy.
Speaking of whom, Joybells visited earlier during the week and together we inspected the garden. I was thinking about where the peas should climb, now that they're at the top of their tower, and wondering whether tethering the washing line and letting them climb up to it might be a goer. But Joy trumped this emerging and somewhat humble thought by suggesting that I grow runner beans all over the line, like a big green vegie-laden umbrella.
This, like deep-fried camembert, was an idea that I simply couldn't resist. So I've assembled plants of three different varieties - some "fartin' losers" from Paddy, and some heirloom jobbies from the farmer's market. I nailed in a staple for each plant, then lovingly planted each one and gave them all a jolly good watering. The last job was to add the twine -a string for each plant.
We're not out of the frost-zone yet, even though it is November (November!); however, this part of the garden does seem frost-free - the tomato has been outside for a couple of months without anything nastier than Book-Book happening to it.

Still on a bean theme, my niece Emily and I harvested the first broadie this week. I don't think she was quite as excited as I was, however, she did say she liked her lightly-steamed allowance (one bean). She must have been telling the truth because my allowance (two beans) was HEAVENLY.