Sunday, September 20, 2009

They'll make a killing!

It's bloody marvellous. Some likely lads fresh out of Victoria Uni have invented a re-setting stoat trap which will kill 12 stoats before human intervention is needed to re-set the trap. Humble though this may sound, it means that each of these new traps will eliminate 12 stoats a month - instead of the current tally of 1 per trap per month. The trap will also knock off rats, and the inventors are now developing a version for opossum.

I reckon that this invention makes sliced bread look very ordinary. Let's give these lads some more problems to solve...

Bless the journalists though - they tell us that... "The self-setting trap ... uses a ground-breaking, gas-powered mechanism to automatically reset itself after activation". I have seen the video and I'm pretty sure the ground stays intact. But the trap is innovative, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Ah the hyperbole of the press, it is like sand in the bathing togs of other communicators, is it not?!?!?
